Bereavement Counselling

Call us: 0115 9336906

We know experiencing a bereavement can be one of the most emotional events that can happen. Feelings and thoughts you may never have had before, but you don’t need to be alone, we can offer two bereavement services to help you relieve all the stress and emotions you may have.


We can put you in touch with Ruth Shaw a bereavement counsellor to arrange a free 30-minute no obligation appointment, who offers a safe, non – judgemental space to explore and share your thoughts and feelings.


Alternatively, we can also offer the bereavement listening hour which run by Iris Mclean,

From 11 to 12 Midday, on the second Wednesday of every month in ST. Annes Meeting Room, Radcliffe – On – Trent.

A safe place to talk about your bereavement; however recent or long ago, or to listen to others.